
National Research Infrastructure of Agronomic BRCs

RARe is a research infrastructure registered on the National Roadmap of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI).


The infrastructure is based on five networks, called "pillars", of Biological Resource Centres (BRCs) conserving genetic, genomic and biological resources assembled and characterized by agricultural research, as well as associated data on domestic animals, model or cultivated plants, wild relatives of domesticated animals, forest trees, micro-organisms of agronomic or agri-food interest, micro-organisms and organisms of the environment.

Agronomic Biological Resources Portal

Forest pillar

RARE wishes you a happy new year 2025  !


02 December 2024

By: AM Chèvre - INRAE

Cabbages and turnips: reuniting old friends!

As part of the EU's Prima BrasExplor project, numerous farm-grown varieties and wild populations of turnips and cabbages have been collected over a wide climatic gradient. Their continued cultivation depends on their use, which is why we have produced a freely accessible e-book of recipes from four countries (Algeria, France, Italy and Slovenia) in 5 languages.

At a seminar organized during the visit of an international INRAE delegation to the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), Michèle Tixier-Boichard presented the FAO's biobanking strategy for animal genetic resources, followed by illustrations linked to CRB-Anim's activities.

03 02

From 03 Feb. 2025 to 24 Jan. 2025

Center INRAE Jouy-en-Josas - webinar

CRB-Anim at EuroFAANG Workshop “G2P in a dish

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In the frame of the EuroFAANG INFRA-DEV project, funded by the EU Commission, INRAE is organising a hybrid workshop on the potential of cellular systems and genome editing for Genotype-to-Phenotype research in farm animals, in order to validate hypotheses and explore new ones, while adhering to the ethical principles of the 3Rs.

The European Biobanking Week (EBW) congress is jointly organized by ESBB (the European, African and Middle Eastern Society for Biobanking and Biopreservation) and BBMRI-ERIC (the European Research Infrastructure for Biobanking and Biomedical Research). The 2024 edition took place from May 14 to 17 at the Hofburg conference center in Vienna, Austria.