National Research Infrastructure of Agronomic BRCs

RARe is a research infrastructure registered on the National Roadmap of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI).


The infrastructure is based on five networks, called "pillars", of Biological Resource Centres (BRCs) conserving genetic, genomic and biological resources assembled and characterized by agricultural research, as well as associated data on domestic animals, model or cultivated plants, wild relatives of domesticated animals, forest trees, micro-organisms of agronomic or agri-food interest, micro-organisms and organisms of the environment.

Agronomic Biological Resources Portal

Forest pillar


Biological resources and the “One Health” concept"

September 24-25, 2024, Paris 12e

The seminar aims to illustrate the complex relationships that exist between the biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems, and to show the advantage of having an infrastructure such as RARe to stimulate new projects that enhance the diversity of its collections.

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20 June 2024

By: CRB-Anim - PH

CRB-Anim at the European Biobank Week (EBW) to communicate on the challenges facing biobanks and G2P research (from genotype to phenotype)

The European Biobanking Week (EBW) congress is jointly organized by ESBB (the European, African and Middle Eastern Society for Biobanking and Biopreservation) and BBMRI-ERIC (the European Research Infrastructure for Biobanking and Biomedical Research). The 2024 edition took place from May 14 to 17 at the Hofburg conference center in Vienna, Austria.
The CRB Citrus is based at the INRAE center in Corsica, and houses one of the world's finest citrus collections at San Giuliano. This INRAE-Cirad collection is certified Centre de Ressources Biologiques (CRB) ISO9001 and includes over 1,100 varieties. This partnership will enable the exchange of scientific knowledge on citrus fruit and the implementation of experiments in the context of adaptation to climate change.
The Atlas français des champignons du sol was published in April 2024 by BIOTOPE and Publications Scientifiques du MNHN. This original work presents the composition, organization and distribution of soil fungal communities. It represents a breakthrough in our knowledge of soils, and is part of a general drive to meet the challenge of soil conservation over the coming decades.
Awarded the IBiSA label in 2023, and following the advice of the members of the RARe Governance Board, the VASC (Arabidopsis, Versailles) and Coffea (Saint-Pierre, La Réunion) Biological Resource Centers of the Plants pillar are now officially members of RARe.