Reference documents

In 2016, France adopted Law no. 2016-1087 for the reconquest of biodiversity, nature and landscapes, Title V of which describes the terms of access to French genetic resources and the terms of benefit sharing (Article L 412-3 et seq. of the Environment Code).

In 2017, the first implementing decree of the French law specifying the terms of application for access to French genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge and the sharing of benefits arising from their use. It designates the competent national authorities for access declarations and authorizations, as well as for the registration of collections in the European register (article R 412-12 et seq. of the Environment Code).

The order of September 13, 2017 establishes the standard contract for sharing benefits arising from the use of genetic resources taken from national territory.

The order of March 20, 2018 specifies the procedures for examining applications for inclusion of collections in the European register, with the creation of a committee of experts and the setting up of a dematerialized platform by the ministry in charge of research enabling the submission of registration application files.

Another order dated March 20, 2018 and an order dated September 13, 2018 appoint the expert members of the committee created by the order cited above :

Article 129 of Law no. 2019-486 of May 22, 2019 relating to the growth and transformation of businesses (known as the PACTE law) introduces, on an experimental basis and for a period of 3 years, access to genetic resources taken from micro-organisms on the territory of metropolitan France not subject to declaration or authorization.

Decree no. 2019-916 of August 30, 2019 relating to the exemption, on an experimental basis, of procedures for access to genetic resources and the sharing of benefits arising from their use for micro-organisms in mainland France, specifies the information to be transmitted each year before August 1 to the minister in charge of the environment for the monitoring and application of the experiment set up by the PACTE law.

Finally, the Order of September 3, 2019 on model species gives the definition of a model species and provides the list, in its appendix, of all species considered as such and for which, as a result, national access and benefit-sharing provisions do not apply.