To join RARe, a CRB must meet the conditions set out in the membership charter.

List of commitments

Field of activity

To join the infrastructure, a biological resource center must fulfill the following missions: collection/packaging/characterization/security/distribution of biological material.
It must have clear rules for sample distribution.
The field of activity must concern species not yet represented in RARe and be of proven research interest.
Collections of biological material may include any type of material, but the presence of material containing a functional unit of heredity (DNA, RNA, cell, tissue, etc.) is required. The combination of several types of biological material is desirable.


The candidate structure must have CRB certification issued by a recognized institution, or be certified to CRB standard NF S96 900.
In all cases, the applicant structure must demonstrate that it verifies consent to provide the sample in accordance with the Biodiversity Framework Act - Title IV.

The new participant undertakes to operate in solidarity with the other members. This implies :

  • knowing and following the internal rules of the infrastructure and its evolutions;
  • providing the data and metadata on collections required by the infrastructure's WEB portal;
  • following the common procedure for processing entry and exit requests submitted via the WEB portal
  • participate in the joint pricing process
  • participate in scientific events initiated by the infrastructure: seminars, publications.

Integration procedures
Applicants must submit their application in writing, and undertake to comply with all aspects of the charter.
From a financial point of view, the applicant must explain how its budget works.
The rules governing access to the infrastructure's funding must be detailed prior to membership.