
AgroBRC RARe is a national research infrastructure that brings together five BRC networks

French research institutions working in the fields of agronomy and biology (INRAE, CIRAD, IRD, CNRS) and their partners (technical institutions, higher education establishments) have set up biological resource centers, most of which have been awarded the IBiSA CRB label.

Biological Resource Centers (BRCs) conserve genetic, genomic and biological resources assembled and characterized by research on domesticated animals, model or cultivated plants, wild species related to domesticated species, microorganisms of agronomic or agri-food interest, and environmental microorganisms and organisms. Their role is to collect, manage, characterize, preserve, enrich, distribute and make available biological samples. To this end, CRB centers and biobanks implement quality assurance procedures, techniques and databases.

Today, over 50 BRCs AgroBRC-RARe members store millions of resources:

  • Genomic resources (BAC libraries, tissue and DNA banks),
  • Reproductive samples from 36 plant families (seeds, plants), 22 animal species (sperm, embryos),
  • 1,294 species of bacteria, yeast or fungi and 10,000 soil samples hosting microbial consortia.

All agricultural sectors are involved: plant and animal production, agri-food industries, non-food biomass valorization, clean tech biotechnology.

Modification date: 04 July 2024 | Publication date: 27 June 2017 | By: AgroBRC-RARe