Research projects

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CRB members of the RARe infrastructure are involved in a number of projects supported by the Priority Research Programs and Equipment (PEPR), as well as in a Grand Défi project, both in terms of project participation and leadership. These projects will enhance knowledge of BRC collections and facilitate their development.
This is the first time that an international consortium has brought together world leaders in sunflower research in the fields of ecology, economics, genetics and biotechnology, right through to sunflower ecology and breeding. Around the Horizon Europe HelEx - Helianthus Extrêmophiles project, 18 partners will be working to develop new sunflower varieties that are more resistant to high temperatures and drought, while maintaining production quality and biodiversity services.
The France 2030 "Agroecology and Digital" program was launched on January 6, 2023 in the presence of Sylvie Retailleau, Minister of Higher Education and Research, and Marc Fesneau, Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty. It is led by INRAE and INRIA for a period of 8 years and a total amount of 65M€.
INRAE / NICOLAS Bertrand Légende : La biobanque de METAGENOPOLIS est un système entièrement robotisé permettant de conserver plusieurs centaines de milliers d'échantillons à -80°.
This IBISA-funded project brings together five BRCs from three RARe pillars. It will enable them to work together on microbiota conservation and analysis issues.
The kick-off of the H2020 SCALA-MEDI project gathered the 17 European partners for the launch of this project whose objective is the Improvement of the sustainability and quality of sheep and poultry productions by the enhancement of the adaptation potential of local breeds in the MEDIterranean area. The development of animal biobanks supported by CRB-Anim is included in the project with a deliverable on the status of collections and a proposal for networking biobanks between the 3 North African countries.
@INRAE - Antonio Bispo
The SMS project aims to ensure science-policy-practice cooperation and a collaborative approach for the development of a European research and innovation roadmap on soil and land management in support of the Soil Health and Food mission - Horizon Europe.
The H2020 G2P-SOL project (2016-2021) pooled 14 global collections of the 4 major cultivated Solanaceae species.
Serge Casaregola and Cyril Pommier, representing the MIRRI and EMPHASIS Research Infrastructures, participated in the launch of the European cluster project EOS-Life, on 20 and 21 March in Noordwijkerhout (Netherlands).
The CIRM network of the microbial pillar participates in the European Horizon 2020 project CIRCLES "Controlling microbiomes Circulations for better foods" whose objective is to understand the evolution and dynamics of various microbial ecosystems at the level of five food chains - vegetables, poultry, swine, aquaculture and fish.
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Modification date: 14 June 2024 | Publication date: 20 October 2020 | By: RARe- Edition P. Huan