The special issue of NOV'AE, engineering and innovative know-how magazine dedicated to RARe infrastructure has just been published!

Discover the activities and resources of the RARe infrastructure, whose agronomic BRCs are at the heart of major research issues for the future. RARe brings together animal, environmental, plant, microbial and forest biological resources, with the support of the research organizations INRAE, CIRAD and IRD. This special issue "Innovations in Agricultural Resources for Research" presents a sample of the immense diversity of RARe resources.

How does a research sample bank work?

Biological Resource Centers (BRCs) are the result of a long evolution of practices and organizations. They must meet high standards of quality and expertise for the needs of research: collection, characterization, conservation and distribution of biological resources. With the help of examples, discover these missions and the latest innovations selected from the five pillars of the RARe research infrastructure that brings together animal, environmental, plant, microbial and forest biological resources, with the support of the research organizations INRAE, CIRAD and IRD..

The national research infrastructure AgroBRC-RARe: a network of Biological Resource Centres (BRC)

For more than 20 years, the organizations involved in agricultural research have developed the organization of networks in metropolitan France and overseas around biological resources, with the Biological Resource Centers (BRCs). The national research infrastructure RARe (Ressources Agronomiques pour la Recherche) was created in 2015 with the support of these institutions (INRAE, CIRAD, IRD) and their partners (CNRS, IFREMER, INSERM, ANSES, agronomic and veterinary schools, universities...).

In 2016, RARe was included in the national roadmap for research infrastructures in Biology and Health. The calculation of the full 2017 costs of the infrastructures placed RARe among the most important, with a total cost of about 22 M€. The Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation has renewed its support by keeping RARe on the national roadmap for research infrastructures for the years 2021 to 2024.

The resources conserved by the BRCs, members of RARe, constitute both a heritage and an asset for the future. This heritage, the result of years of research, innovation and development, will enable future research to be carried out in response to major research challenges, whether fundamental (knowledge of living organisms, individuals or ecosystems, understanding the dynamics of biodiversity, etc.) or societal (adaptation to climate change, ecosystem services, food, health, biotechnology, etc.). BRCs are grouped into five pillars, defined either by the biological nature of the resources or by the purpose of the research. The activities are carried out in compliance with traceability requirements.

This is a very original and rather unique context. Beyond the immense diversity of the resources of the RARe infrastructure, the teams are working to build, conserve and disseminate collections with similar problems. RARe is developing cross-cutting activities to stimulate synergies between its pillars, in particular for the implementation of the FAIR policy for data, ABS regulations for exchanges, and quality management for the operation of the BRCs.

The challenge is to enable agriculture and livestock to adapt to future conditions and to face new challenges for future generations. BRCs are at the heart of many research programs aimed at exploring life and ecosystems and at enhancing biodiversity for agriculture and industry, food, environment and health.

At the international level, the infrastructure is a member of the Global Genome Biodiversity Network; its members participate in European networks or consortia. Its micro-organism pillar is the French node of the European MIRRI infrastructure.

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The special issue of NOV'AE "Innovations in Agronomic Resources for Research" (link NOV'AE)

Modification date: 27 October 2023 | Publication date: 12 July 2022 | By: RARe - Edition P. Huan