GIS IBiSA coordinates the national policy of accreditation and support for biology and health infrastructures (INBS).

GIS IBiSA advises and supports infrastructures in their technological and methodological development projects. It facilitates the creation of local steering structures, on a city or regional scale, helps coordinate high-tech developments and supports quality initiatives. It is the only common funding instrument for all partner institutions in the life sciences.

These objectives and missions are :

Labeling and supporting structures
GIS IBiSA labels and supports platforms and BRCs of regional or national interest in biology, health and agronomy. The IBiSA label guarantees the quality of their activities and their ability to open up to the scientific community.

Supporting quality initiatives
The GIS IBiSA offers tailor-made support to structures that wish to improve the structuring of their service activities, or to support their ISO 9001 and NFX 50-900 certification processes.

Developing network skills
GIS IBiSA organizes training workshops on a variety of topics other than scientific and technical ones, to support the day-to-day running of accredited structures and create links between their managers.

In this folder

Microorganisms, plants, forests, animals, environment... Find the biological resource centers (BRC) of the RARe pillars, labeled IBiSA, in a new directory. The structures can be identified by keywords, themes, supervisors and regions. The directory will be progressively enriched until it represents all 84 BRCs and networks of IBiSA BRCs.
INRAE / NICOLAS Bertrand Légende : La biobanque de METAGENOPOLIS est un système entièrement robotisé permettant de conserver plusieurs centaines de milliers d'échantillons à -80°.
This IBISA-funded project brings together five BRCs from three RARe pillars. It will enable them to work together on microbiota conservation and analysis issues.

Modification date: 27 October 2023 | Publication date: 08 August 2023 | By: RARe - Edition P. Huan