
The coordination unit

The infrastructure coordination unit is made up of :

  • Infrastructure coordinator
  • Infrastructure operational manager
  • Thematic working group leaders

The coordination unit is responsible for

  • ensuring scientific and administrative oversight of the infrastructure, in response to requests from its supervisory bodies
  • Promoting, initiating and monitoring projects that cut across the infrastructure's pillars
  • Coordinate projects decided by the CoPil and carried out for RARe by various parties, internal or external to the infrastructure, chosen with the CoPil's agreement.
  • Identify operational objectives, in line with the policies of the supervisory bodies for biological resources and the recommendations of the infrastructure's international scientific advisory board.
  • Evaluate the opportunities for action to be presented to the Steering Committee or General Assembly for approval, in order to achieve the identified objectives.
  • Prepare meetings of the Infrastructure Steering Committee
  • Represent the infrastructure on national and international bodies concerned with biological resources.

See also

Modification date: 30 October 2023 | Publication date: 28 July 2023 | By: RARe - Edition P. Huan