
The RARe steering committee is the infrastructure's decision-making body.

It is made up of :

  • Members of the infrastructure coordination unit
  • Pillar coordinators
  • Experts chosen, with the agreement of the supervisory bodies, from among the members of the infrastructure, in various fields of importance to RARe (genomic resources, tropical resources, resource utilization, etc.).

The role of the infrastructure steering committee is to :

  • Monitor the annual action plan, ensuring that :
  • initial objectives are met, in line with the policies of the supervisory authorities on biological resources
  • implementation of the various stages of the action plan
  • Updating of the action plan in the event that certain points need to be reviewed, such as the postponement of a deadline.
  • Disseminating and communicating the action plan both internally and to the supervisory bodies of BRCs belonging to the infrastructure.
  • Validate CRB membership applications to the infrastructure.
  • Encourage cross-pillar activities, demonstrating the added value of RARe
  • Create and maintain an internal dynamic within the infrastructure's pillars
  • respond to questions and requests for arbitration from the coordination unit